Online dna-testen - reactie Ancestry

Hieronder lees je de reactie van Ancestry op de uitzending van Radar (03-09-2018) over online dna-testen.
We're confident in our scientific approach and the results we give to customers. We tell customers throughout the product experience that their results are as accurate as possible for where the science is today and that they may evolve over time as the resolution of DNA estimates improve and as more people from other regions of the world participate.
Ancestry is committed to representing global diversity. The dataset behind our product experience is a combination of publicly available data and our database of customers. As more people take DNA tests, we will be able to provide more granular insights about their family history. In the meantime, we are constantly identifying new ways to broaden our representation, including:
- Updating our algorithms to provide more detailed results.
- Staying current with public projects whose focus is to understand global genetic diversity, such as the 1,000 Genomes Project.
- Updating the set of genetic markers that represent the genetic diversity of global populations based on our own research and public data.
Protecting our customers' privacy is Ancestry’s highest priority, and that starts with the basic belief that customers should always maintain ownership and control over their own data. We do not and will not sell DNA data to insurers, employers, or third-party marketers without our customers’ explicit consent. We work hard to communicate to customers that they always retain control of their data, and we believe that should be the industry standard.
Ancestry has partnered with the Future of Privacy Forum, and other personal genomic testing companies to release Privacy Best Practices for Consumer Genetic Testing Services. The Best Practices provide a policy framework for the collection, protection, sharing, and use of Genetic Data generated by consumer genetic testing services. You can see the Best Practices here: Security:
Data security is a top priority for Ancestry and we are committed to continually improving our systems to protect our customers’ data against both existing and emerging threats. We employ technical, physical and administrative safeguards to protect customer data stored in our systems. Ancestry maintains a comprehensive information security program designed to protect our customers’ personal information based on the sensitivity of the personal information collected.