Reactie Meta - nepadvertenties Instagram (Engelstalig)

Uit onderzoek van Radar blijkt dat Instagram nauwelijks actie onderneemt tegen nep-advertenties waarin bekende Nederlanders zonder hun toestemming worden gebruikt. Dit was te zien in de uitzending van maandag 21 oktober 2024. Lees hieronder de volledige Engelstalige reactie van Meta.
- Meta invests substantial resources in detecting and preventing scams on our platforms, and in taking action against the scammers that post scam ads and try to evade our detection systems.
- It’s against our policies to run ads that use public figures in a deceptive nature in order to try to scam people out of money. We have put substantial resources towards tackling these kinds of ads and have improved our enforcement significantly, including suspending and deleting accounts, pages and ads that violate our policies.
- This problem isn’t new: It’s plagued the online ad world for years and we don’t expect this fight to be over any time soon. The people behind these ads use various methods and channels to get at victims, across the internet, but we are investing significantly to tackle this issue.
- We’ve built additional detection models, specifically for celeb-bait, that automatically incorporate what we have learned about the changing tactics used in ads to help us improve.
- We encourage users to report suspected scam ads to us so we can investigate and take appropriate action.